The energy of young people is the main driving force for the sustainable development of the oil and gas industry. It’s an inexhaustible source of energy that promotes innovation, non-standard thinking and international cooperation between young professionals and leaders of the energy industry. The World Petroleum Council, aware of the importance of providing young professionals and students with the significant role they deserve, launched the 1st WPC Youth Forum in China in 2004, the first activity in which young people played a leading role in the WPC’s 80-year history.

In 2006 the WPC created the first WPC Youth Committee, then in 2015 it was renamed as WPC Young Professionals and its members base their activities on the following principals:

Vision statement:

Shaping the global energy future by bringing together the passion and talents of industry students, young professionals and emerging leaders.


  • To create and nurture a collaborative, global forum for young people to be heard
  • To champion new ideas within the petroleum industry
  • To promote a realistic image of the petroleum industry, its challenges and opportunities
  • To bridge the generation gap through mentorship networks


  • Leadership
  • Diversity
  • Diversity
  • Sustainability
  • Transparency
  • Excellence

Today members of the WPC Young Professionals Committee include more than 30 young professionals aged under 35, nominated by the WPC National Committees around the world.

The main projects of the WPC Youth Committee for the period 2017-2020 include:

  • The 6th Future Leaders Forum, June 23-28, 2019, St. Petersburg, Russia
  • Youth Programme at the 22nd World Petroleum Congress, December 6-10, 2020, Houston, USA
  • Online platform WPC YP Connect on the platform LinkedIn
  • WPC Mentoring Programme
  • YP Magazine
  • WPC Survey for young professionals and students