Today international information exchange and cooperation is critical to the success of the oil and gas industry. Globalisation of markets, impressive scale of new projects, increasing challenges and risks, strict environmental safety requirements, ensuring competitiveness in the energy transition – all these challenges require consolidated efforts to create adequate responses.
Since the 1930s, World Petroleum Congresses have been the main platforms for the exchange of opinions and experience, the synthesis of analytical information and the development of joint decisions by representatives of countries whose combined share in hydrocarbon production and consumption is about 95%. Our country, officially represented in the World Petroleum Council by the National Committee of the WPC, has participated in 19 out of 22 World Petroleum Congresses, organised two World Petroleum Congresses in Moscow in 1971 and 2014.
The main means of promoting Russia's interests for the RNC of the WPC is the participation of an official Russian representative in the WPC Programme Committee, the body that forms the thematic focus and structure of each World Petroleum Congress. The annual meetings of the World Petroleum Council, where RNC of the WPC is a permanent participant, are another influential platform for coordinating positions on an international scale.
In recent decades, when youth agenda became one of the priorities of the World Petroleum Council, RNC of the WPC has consistently developed cooperation both within the Young Professionals Committee of the WPC and through direct contacts with the youth committees of WPC member countries. The development of this area of international cooperation was facilitated by the preparation and holding of the 6th WPC Youth Forum – Future Leaders Forum (St. Petersburg, 2019).
With the restrictions caused by the COVID-19 situation, the number of international contacts in remote mode has increased significantly. These include international conferences on topical issues of the industry agenda, webinars with leading specialists and experts of the global oil and gas industry, expert workshops and other events.